People come from so many different journeys of life, but we have no requirement to CHANGE before worshipping with us. After enjoy life with us, you will discover that our lives were changed by a difference Christ made in our lives. We desired to be a light for Him in our daily life.
When a person reviews the various paths in our world today, it almost seems like it is an endless circle. Society and peer pressure might dictate what we need to do for success or recognition, but true FREEDOM to be who God desired us to be is a great joy to discover. Come and see for yourself what God can do!
Our purpose gains clarity when we realize the FREEDOM Christ gives us. This results in seeing things in a different way - a true purpose of living with motivation and zeal.
The Gospel has brought us with a intentional passion to share the Good News to others. It is not Good News if our friends don't hear it in time. Bringing on the joy of the Lord by sharing His love to all mankind!
The communities around the world might look at people with a lens of differences, but God sees all mankind as valuable creations to hear and respond to His love. With this value, God sent His only Son to the world to communicate that WHOEVER believes in Him will be SAVED!
God knows we are all imperfect people who need a SAVIOR. While we might express our excuses why we are unable to live a perfect life, He already knows who we are - even with our faults and failures. He offers His touch of forgiveness and acceptance to those who call upon His name!
Our foremost goal is to glorify God in all that we do and say. This includes our everyday lives in addition to our church activities.
Part of glorifying God is serving others. This is a focus that we want to maintain in our church and our lives.
To spread the gospel of Jesus is our biggest mission in this world. This is why the church exists.